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we trade, you benefit

.. returning plastics into a life cycle

.. financially sound partner

.. helping you to save money

.. using common sense

our services

You focus on your business. So do we.

Domů: Service

Purchasing the secondary raw materials

We pay on time. We prevent claims.

We buy regrind, agglomerate, pellets. We try to build long-term business partnerships, based on mutual reliance.


Our suppliers are typically recycling and waste-management companies. 

Contracting bales, regrinds, agglomerate and pellets

We search what you want. In quality you need.

Our customers are primarily recyclers, injection and blow molders.

Our customers are primarily recyclers, injection and blow molders.

Domů: Project

materials in detail

updated 15th Dec 2018

We purchase EPS/XPS

polystyrenový odpad

We purchase EPS and XPS on exworks basis. The material is expected to be clean, usually just packaging EPS suits well. Full-truck amounts only.

Pieces / bales

průmyslový plastový odpad - kusy
  • PET bottles 

  • HDPE bottles

  • "postconsumer hard plastics" (pe, pp, ps, free from pet and pvc)

  • post-industrial pieces (intakes, junk products) - PP, PE, PS, PA


plastová drť PA6
  • PP injection and extrusion grade

  • ABS injection grade

  • HDPE injection and extrusion grade

  • PS general purpose (GPPS) and hi-impact (HIPS)

  • PA6, PA66


regranulát PP
  • PP natur MFI cca 15

  • HDPE extrusion grade ex fuel tanks

  • HDPE/LDPE ex artificial lawn - MFI cca 3

  • LDPE natur pellets ex LDPE foam - MFI 2

documents to download

Domů: FAQ


Domů: TeamMember

Jan Plocek

+420 727 876 294

plastics, trade

Petr Jung

+420 777 137 599

paper, waste management, trade

Josef Jambor




Plocek ReSources Ltd.
Na Cihelně 415/32
Praha-Velká Chuchle

+420 727 876 294

Vaše údaje byly v pořádku odeslány!

Domů: Contact

Plocek ReSources s.r.o.
Na Cihelně 415/32
Praha-Velká Chuchle

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